نتائج البحث

  1. T

    تقارير مسابقة الاعب الذهبي سيرفر القمة الجولة الثانية

    I am the SONIC player this is the report of the battle between me and the GameOver player. http://www.elkaisar.com/battel.php?report=M3B1K3NJbTF4cmFwcmx6cm5SZjBIWWhlNFpRcE50cndNZUhVSjBYSHZ5QT0=&server=4
  2. T

    نقاط الالهة سيرفر القمة

    amount of bread has been corrected. but the problem remains with the emblem http://www.elkaisar.com/battel.php?report=eEptUTlXdE56WmRNY1ViV1RGdldVMVRPcTFEandZa05oNCtwRmlNN3JkWT0=&server=4
  3. T

    تقاريرمسابقة اللاعب الذهبي /سيرفر القمه

    I'm a SONIC player this report of the battle between me and my opponent HIMA. Battle won by me. Follow the report http://www.elkaisar.com/battel.php?report=L1RURVRwZzJkR1lvN1BacEhheDdCZGlmYWl2cVNuNm9NUjc4eENrQ0RkOD0=&server=4
  4. T

    مسابقة (اللاعب الذهبي ) سيرفر القمة

    Sonic Rank: 4th squadron commander Classification: 7
  5. T

    جمعة مباركة

  6. T

    مسابقة ملوك القمه

    Sonic Position 8
  7. T

    I withdraw from server 3. I play again when I open a new server. When I get back I will bring...

    I withdraw from server 3. I play again when I open a new server. When I get back I will bring more people into the game. Thank you all
  8. T

    ســيرفر جـديـــد

    all support for a new server. Many new players wanting to join the game.
  9. T

    سيرفر جديد

    أوافق على افتتاح خادم جديد. خادم 1 و 2 معطلة. Server 3 مقدم مسبقًا لأولئك الذين يرغبون في البدء ، لذا فإن فتح خادم جديد أمر منطقي تمامًا
  10. T

    I would like to put $ 25 in gold. what can you offer me? and how do I pay

    I would like to put $ 25 in gold. what can you offer me? and how do I pay
  11. T

    جمعه مباركه

  12. T

    الاحداث الجديده

    don't let server 1 end
  13. T

    ملوك العالم

    why not open it on server 1 as well? There are active players there. Do not exclude us from events
  14. T

    اقتراح مسابقات

    I suggest you activate what remains to be activated. Like castles, queens, wolves, statues and capitals. This would not even be an event anymore, it would make the game much more exciting because it has new activities for all gamers to do. The game becomes boring when you only do the same things.
  15. T

    سيرفر الجبابره وصلاح الدين

    name: Thiagu´s Rank: Cesár Prestige: 567472625 top: 6
  16. T

    مسابقة قاهر السيرفر -سيرفر الجبابره

    Nome: Thiagu´s rank: Cesar Top: 6 اود الاشتراك بالمسابقه
  17. T

    مسابقة بطل الابطال-سيرفر الجبابره

    name: Thiagu´s rank: Cesar top 8
  18. T


    The servers are down. Some players are stopping playing. I was wondering what management has to say. In the multiplayer view There is no expectation of improvement at this time. Players who still play play because they love the game so much and we recognize everything management has done for the...
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    1-frequent gold promotional packages 2- weekly or monthly events 3- increase items for daily exchanges 4- improve gifts on the wheel of luck 5-resource production bonus according to alliance position
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    هدايا المولد النبوي الشريف
