نتائج البحث

  1. T

    هدايا المولد النبوي الشريف

    server titans will also receive?
  2. T

    مشاكل سيرفر الجبابرة

    ok I'll wait.
  3. T

    مشاكل سيرفر الجبابرة

    In three months will we have updates and improvements in the game?
  4. T

    مشاكل سيرفر الجبابرة

    activate the wolves and the towers
  5. T

    مشاكل سيرفر الجبابرة

    I have no problem on the titans server. But, there should be gold promotions. Events to attract players because the server has stopped
  6. T

    فعالية معدات الصمود

    when event starter
  7. T

    مسابقة دوري الابطال

    Name: Thiagu´s
  8. T

    الحد الاقصي للمعدات

    I have the umbrellas needed to get another sword. But, I'm not getting it. I already have 2 swords, I would like to get a third. https://prnt.sc/p9j58d https://prnt.sc/p9j5c6 https://prnt.sc/p9j5g4
  9. T

    مسابقة النقاط

    Name; Thiagus
  10. T

    مشكلة هنا يتم حلها

    I wasn't attacking no. I had changed in the daily exchange. I gathered a total of 11 dracos. And I refreshed the page, when I came back I had no draco. and I also have a problem with the population. It's taking 6 hours for my population to fully recover after I make troops
  11. T

    مشكلة هنا يتم حلها

    name: Thiagus Server: Titas Problem: https://prnt.sc/p40xe2 I owned 11 dracos, and now I don't have any
  12. T

    مشكلة هنا يتم حلها

    I have a doubt. My city has a population of 55,500 and when I make troops I take 6 hours to recover my entire population. Is this time correct or is something wrong?
  13. T

    مشكلة هنا يتم حلها

    Thiagus servidor: Titas problema: Eu não posso atacar https://prnt.sc/p39c
  14. T

    http://prntscr.com/p06ncu no prairie reset

    http://prntscr.com/p06ncu no prairie reset
  15. T

    سحب الهدن والابواق فجأة والموفد

    I lost 141 of this item: http://prntscr.com/otw1d9 I lost 91 of this item http://prntscr.com/otw1tx and I will want it back. Last time I lost more than 200 packages of 350,000 sestercios and received only 100. Administration this time I will want what I lost
  16. T

    تعديل اول عرض شحن

    I would suggest buying gold by credit card. I believe that if there is more this option other players can also buy gold.
  17. T

    متطلبات ساتون

    what time does item shipping increase?
  18. T

    متطلبات ساتون

    É um evento difícil. Obrigado pela boa vontade da administração em colocar os itens nas áreas. Mas a taxa de 5% é muito baixa e muito desanimadora para os jogadores. Eu gostaria que fosse aumentado para 10% ou ao longo do tempo para aumentar a taxa por um período de 1h. Seria um evento dentro do...
  19. T

    متطلبات ساتون

    It is a difficult event. Thank you for the good will of the administration in placing the items in the areas. But the 5% ratio is very low and discourages the players a lot. I would like it to be increased to 10% or at a certain time to increase the rate by 1h. It would be an event within the event