نتائج البحث

  1. T

    عصابات القرطاجي

    I also had the same problem and lost many troops
  2. T

    هدايا عيد الاضحى المبارك

  3. T

    معارك الجولة الاولى مسابقة حلبة الموت

    attack: Thiagus Defenser: LEADER Report: http://elkaisar.com/battel.php?id=350629
  4. T

    مسابقة حلبة الموت

  5. T

    توزيع جوائز الاحلاف

    server is down? I'm trying to get in and I'm not getting in.
  6. T

    When can we buy gold?

    When can we buy gold?
  7. T

    تم تفعيل نظام الجوائز

  8. T

    تعديل متطلبات مسابقة شهر السابع

    will not have the event anymore?
  9. T

    جمعة مباركة 5/7/2019

  10. T

    مسابقة شهر السادس

    Nome: Thiagu's Detalhes
  11. T

    I would like to suggest that all the quarters of a city be accelerated with just one troop...

    I would like to suggest that all the quarters of a city be accelerated with just one troop accelerator. Because I have many quarters and I can not meet all this need.
  12. T

    مسابقة شهر السادس

    se eu tenho, por exemplo, 200 de um certo luxo, recebo 2x o item relacionado a ele?
  13. T

    ملوك العالم

    Eu need more details
  14. T

    مسابقة شهر السادس

    Name: Thiagu`s http://prntscr.com/o2ouvy
  15. T

    حل مشكلة التطوير باللعبه

    Estou tendo dificuldade em fazer espionagem no estábulo. este seria o momento correto para sua produção: http://prntscr.com/o1h1kj mas quando você se coloca para fazer isso, fica assim: http://prntscr.com/o1h23c
  16. T

    I wanted to know how the daily exchanges will be. Because we only managed to exchange passes 3...

    I wanted to know how the daily exchanges will be. Because we only managed to exchange passes 3 days ago.
  17. T

    مشكلة التطوير

    https://prnt.sc/o00ecz Erro de tempo de produção da tropa
  18. T

    مشكلة التطوير

  19. T

    مشكلة التطوير

    http://prntscr.com/o00ecz Erro de produção de tropa